OH Card Workshop

Thursday 14th May 2015 from 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Eventbrite - OH Card Workshop 14th May 2015

Some of the decks that accompany the OH Cards
Some of the colourful card decks that accompany the OH Cards
Come along to a fun evening workshop designed to develop your imagination and intuition. It’s something we all have but like a muscle, it needs to be flexed now and again to get it working. How often do you find yourself in a situation where you need to come up with something innovative?

Here’s something that will help you out. We’ll be working with an amazing tool called OH cardsOH because they give us surprises we may not have expected. OH is a set of two decks of cards – one of pictures and one of words.

The images on the cards evoke meanings and stimulate our imagination and creativity. Together, the word and picture card activate both our left and right brains and we say what we see in the combination.

You can work with them on your own but it’s more fun to play with them with other people exchanging feelings, ideas and intuition.

I promise you you’ll have the opportunity to get your creative juices flowing. Plus when you pick some cards you intentionally begin to empower yourself.

We’ll start with using the cards to tell a story and we all love a story. This will show you how they work. Then you’ll get to pick your own. And if you are up for it we’ll have a go at using what you’ve learnt in a creative fashion – more will be revealed on the night!

The cards are used all over the world, translated into many languages and are a powerful tool for self discovery and mastery. If you want to find out more go to www.oh-cards.com or www.oh-cards-institute.org

I’ve been using these cards for myself and with clients for many years. People love them and are amazed at the insights they receive by saying what they see.

Come along, have some fun and play!


Booking details

When: Thursday, 14th May 2015

Time: 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Price: £30 or £45 for you and a friend

Where: Giffnock, Glasgow

How to Book

Eventbrite - OH Card Workshop 14th May 2015