Alison Finlay
Alison Finlay
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Alison Finlay
Alison Finlay
Alison Finlay
Hi, I am Alison Finlay, a Kinesiologist and certified business coach who believes in living life to the full.
Alison Finlay
Alison Finlay
Alison Finlay
I work mainly with women, like you, who want less stress and more balance and harmony.
Alison Finlay
Alison Finlay
Alison Finlay
Want to hear from others who’ve worked with me? Here are some testimonials.
Alison Finlay

Hi and thanks for joining me. I am so glad you’re here. You are in the right place if you are ready to make some significant changes in your life.

Particularly if you are fed up of the same old patterns repeating themselves time and time again.

From experience, I know it’s not simply the situations you find yourself in that cause you stress but the way that you react to them. If you could choose to respond more positively and less emotionally to what happens in your life then think how much better it would be for you. Just imagine what this would enable you to achieve and contribute! Want to know more, then take a look around?


The Coaching sessions I've had with Alison have really helped me to take control of my life again. I've made big changes related to work and am much happier. She is compassionate and has bundles of fabulous advice.

Jacquie, London

Alison has helped me get the balance back in my life. I am now realising my potential at work and in my relationships. I now feel happier with myself and with the way I react emotionally to situations.

Shuna, Edinburgh