Taking Time to Recover

How well are you looking after your health and wellbeing?

It’s been hard to avoid the recent cold and flu bugs that have been doing the rounds.  I hope you’ve managed to stay health and well.

But if you have had to succumb it can be frustrating especially if you have a busy schedule lined up. There’s a tendency to want to rush the healing process – the mind is desperately keen to be back to normal but the body is not in synch with those thoughts. Getting yourself well and ready to resume your normal routine is the objective but do too much too soon and your body won’t really have recovered.

A healthy juice
At this time of year it’s so important to be kind to your body. Treat it well and practise good self care. Here’s worksheet to help you get clarity around the best self care practice for you.


What are your stumbling blocks to achieving your goals?

What do you want to change in your life? Need somebody to be accountable to?

Then I can help you! Book yourself in for a session to gain more clarity and direction or I can design a bespoke Programme that suits your needs and your budget. Click on the link above or drop me an email when you’re ready.

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