Allergy Food Testing
What is allergy food testing?
People are now much more aware of diet and how different foods affect us. In the past, our diet would have been quite simple – we would have eaten local, seasonal, fresh food. The picture nowadays is very different and means that many people need allergy food testing. If you think about food it now comes:
- from abroad from a different country and soil
- has therefore traveled long distances to get to us
- is often picked when it is not ripe so that it will get to us ripe
- is transported chilled by using modified gases to maintain its shelf life and to prevent bacterial growth
- has preservatives in it to make last longer through the distribution chain
- contains stabilizers so it does not go off
- is packaged in plastic containers
- may be pasteurized or sterilized to extend its shelf life
- contains pesticides to eradicate diseases in plant and animals
It is therefore not surprising that the food you eat can become a problem for some of us and this is when you begin to search for a way of allergy food testing.

What is allergy food testing and why might you do it?
As a result of the food that we eat some of us begin to develop an allergy and want to find out more about allergy food testing.
You might want to find out about allergy food testing if you have any of the following symptoms after eating:
- abdominal pain
- bloating
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- itchy skin
What options are open to you for allergy food testing?
If you go to your GP they may send you for allergy food testing which means that you would see a specialist who would possibly do a special kind of test on you. The kind of allergy food testing they would do would possibly be performed in hospital under careful watch. They may give possible allergens to you in the way of a pill to see how you react. You may also be asked to see an allergist who would want to do allergy food testing by reviewing your history and noting the reactions and symptoms you have experienced after eating certain foods. They may then undertake certain allergy food testing tests
How can Kinesiology help with allergy food testing?
There are a number of ways that a trained Kinesiologist can help you with a medically diagnosed allergy, although the allergy food testing that you have done by the medically trained staff will be very different from what a Kinesiologist will do. As a practitioner I am trained in skillful and accurate muscle testing which I use to determine what is affecting the balance of the body. I am trained in nutrition and can advise in supplementation if this is required.
I can carry out allergy food testing in a simple non invasive way that shows you the foods that are good for you and the ones that are not so good for you. But they do not stop there. I can then work with you to rebalance your body so that the stressful foods no longer cause you a problem, and can help you determine the optimum nutrition plan for your body and lifestyle.
I am also there to support you through any dietary changes you make as a result of allergy food testing and will want you to give detailed feedback on any changes you notice in follow up appointments.
Many people have been assisted and benefited from the Kinesiology approach to allergy food testing.