You only have to ask!
Needing some expert help?
I know I like to be independent, do things myself and feel there’s a real sense of achievement in learning how to do something new.
But I’m finding my “to do” list gets longer and longer. Plus super woman and a small army would be hard pushed to do what I’m expecting of myself. I realise that where I want to be cannot be achieved by me alone and that a collective effort is much more fun.
Rather than trying to be an expert at everything it’s a whole lot more enjoyable to work with other people as a team. A collective effort means that together something better can be created.
The past few weeks I’ve reached out to some wonderfully talented people – a copy writer – Amanda Verlaque at Quiver Copywriting, a graphic design agency – Morag Malloy at Fission Creative and a social media expert, Liz Melville. You see I’ve needed some help as I’m launching a new mentorship programme for women who run their own business. And it starts in March. Cue chance for me to plug it here. It’s called “Inside + Outide = Upside”. Sure it’s about looking at your business but I want to look deeper at inner reasons a person has for owning a business.
There are days where I’ve encountered lots of green lights and others where I could cry into my porridge! The team have supported me, encouraged me, shared my vision and given me bags of confidence.
And the great thing is I’ve not lost control, on the contrary, it’s been lovely to have some expert advice from people who know their craft.

I can’t tell you how much more space I feel I have to breathe. I’m thinking clearer and much more creatively. I feel less stuck and more energised.
So a word from the recently wise! If your dreams always feel just a bit out of reach, it might be because you need help reaching. If you feel overwhelmed by the prospect of actually bringing your vision to fruition, it might be because you need to enlist help.
Take a moment to reflect on who’s just out there that can help you? And remember it doesn’t have to be in a business context. It could be something small but that might make a big difference to you right now.
Don’t wait any longer – pick up the phone, send a text or fire off an email!